NIVOflex Elefant - Mobile version
Heights up to 150 cm from a regular length platform
Boasting a unique arrangement of scissor arms, it can match the height of its larger counterpart, the NIVOflex Professional Gigant, while maintaining a compact length of only 2m. Mirroring the Giant, the Elefant is available in various models suitable for fixed installations (reaching up to 1.34m high) or as a portable platform (capable of extending up to 1.5m high).
The NIVOflex Elefant boasts a maximum height of 1.5m. Effortlessly adjusted via the Bowden cable lever, the Elefant's height can be fine-tuned. Possible heights are 80, 100, 120, 140, 150 cm, at 16 2/3 cm increments or heights tailor-made to suit your needs.
The meticulously designed scissor framework assures secure operation, negating the necessity to flip the platform for height alterations. The supporting frame guarantees stability, even when arranged as an incline.
The NIVOflex Elefant's bolted assembly allows for simple maintenance and part replacement. Its multifunctional profile facilitates the attachment of a wide range of accessories, enabling the customization of your stage with elements such as fabric drapes, wooden fascia, guard rails, and stairs.
NIVOflex Platforms and their special surface
Normally the platforms come equipped with a 25 mm blockboard top. However, we can also provide options such as water-resistant silkscreen for outdoor applications, parquet, PVC or metal grating. If you have a specific requirement, don't hesitate to inquire, and we'll be glad to provide a cost estimate.
Please contact us in case you want to customize or have any additional questions.